This site is done, this project is closed, I will not do any more reviews. I just don't have the time or money to keep doing this anymore. It cost me thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours every year. After twelve years of this obsession, I have to move on and put my time and money toward my family, home, and different creative projects.
Additionally, most compressor pedals coming out these days are just terribly boring. I don't know why most brands even bother--they just re-hash the same old ideas, aiming for the exact middle of the road: not good enough, complex enough, or unusual enough to cost much money or effort in design or manufacturing. Most of the pedals out there are "pretty good sounding" but totally unremarkable. When I run across a really bad pedal, like the EHX Platform, I just don't have the will anymore to write the negative review it deserves, or to defend that negative review from brand fanboys. There are probably some unique and special new pedals out there, but I just cannot keep buying the boring mediocre ones in a long march to find the occasional treasure. A maker just recently sent me their pedal to review, and it was a perfect example of a "pretty good sounding" but tedious retread that honestly just made me want to beat my head against the wall.
For a while this message said I might "come out of retirement" for a maker who has something special, or brands I had history with, but that is just not going to happen in this lifetime. If you want to see a pedal reviewed, there is a guy on Talkbass who has essentially picked up where I left off. Visit the effects subforum on Talkbass.
The fact that I made and sold a compressor of my own (the OVNIFX Smoothie) has made many people justly suspicious of my bias when writing reviews of other brands. All I can say is I have done my best to stay as impartial as is humanly possible, and to describe things exactly as I hear them, using spectrum analyzer and oscilloscope testing to verify my subjective impressions. As brands like FEA, Origin, Diamond, and RMI can attest, when I love something special and excellent about a pedal I am happy to promote and praise it over my own goods.
Lastly, many kind readers have written in to tell me about technical errors in my reviews. If I have not corrected those errors, it was only because of procrastination, not rejection of their advice (usually). I have always intended to make those corrections at some time. Please feel free to remind me, if you told me about something like that a long time ago and I never followed up on it. I've probably forgotten it by now.
Thanks so much to everyone who has joined me on this journey over the last twelve years!
-Cyrus Heiduska
April 25, 2018
All text on this page written and owned by Cyrus Joaquin Heiduska, 2006-2024, all rights reserved.
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